Finch Capital

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Finch Capital

Financial Technology Investors



Finch Capital is a Financial Technology Investment firm founded in the fall of 2013. We invest in high growth companies primary in EMEA and prefer to invest after the seed round, when there is proof of concept and there are some revenues.



Posts: 3176
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HSBC claims first trade-finance deal with blockchain

Bank says letter of credit for Cargill opens door for technology in $9tn market.

HSBC has completed the world’s first commercially viable trade-finance transaction using blockchain, opening the door to mass adoption of...…

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Fintech to Print Bitcoin Notes

The name of the largest crypto currency wasn’t chosen by accident. The term «Bit» is taken from IT and is a unit measure of data, while...

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Blockchain Guide for Insurers

Blockchain is gaining popularity across industries. While the technology holds long-term promise of transformation and business model...

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How Insurtech Boosts Cyber Risk

As the world becomes more connected, cyber risk appears as a bigger threat on the digital transformation journey of insurance companies.

As the world becomes more connected — with billions of sensors, connected machines, totally digital processes, trillion terabyte of new...…

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Is Buying Crypto Assets “Investing”

Nice read on the debate around crypto assets

There are few investors I have more respect for than Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger. So much of what I believe as an investor has come...…

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