Finch Capital

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Finch Capital

Financial Technology Investors



Finch Capital is a Financial Technology Investment firm founded in the fall of 2013. We invest in high growth companies primary in EMEA and prefer to invest after the seed round, when there is proof of concept and there are some revenues.



Posts: 3176
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And 2014's Worst Currency Was...Bitcoin

BITCOIN underperformed all currencies in a very volatile year!

It's been a bad year for the Russian ruble and a terrible 12 months for the Ukrainian hryvnia. But it's been a catastrophic 2014 for...…

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IBM, Apple Partnership Could Yield Trove of Insurance Apps

The insurance industry is ready to be benefit from productivity and customer experience enhancements before they get disrupted

The insurance industry is a prime candidate for better mobility solutions, says IBM's insurance global leader. IBM and Apple's recently...…

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Great overview of the German FinTech landscape

Great overview of the German FinTech landscape...sorry for it being in german!

Es passiert aktuell nicht nur in London eine Menge im Umfeld der Fin-Tech StartUps. Auch in Deutschland sind einige unterwegs die etwas...…

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15 Fintech Startups To Watch In 2015

We keep watching!

Wealthfront is one of the biggest players in the growing automated financial advisory space. Founded in 2011, it now has $1 billion under...…

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Big banks’ fines hit $178 billion

May be the banking sector has been an impulse for the crisis...with 178Bn of fines it has also been a booster for Government budgets....

It seems that hardly a month goes by where a bank isn't paying a huge settlement to a U.S. or European regulator over one misdeed or...…

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BlueSnap unveils new coupon and bank transfer APIs

73% of consumers are influenced by coupons...and apple pay blocks payments data insights.....

Global payment gateway BlueSnap released new Coupon and Bank Transfer APIs that will help merchants increase sales and convert shoppers...…

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Apple Pay Is Too Anonymous for Some Retailers

The battle for the privacy and customer! By taking away this for retailers and banks, they enhance their relative position even more!

Apple Chief Executive Officer Tim Cook loves to talk about the security features of his mobile-payments system. Apple Pay won’t collect...…

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A Bitcoin Battle Is Brewing

Following the media and sentiments feel the Bitcoin battle is calming down and the Blockchain search is heading on. Also feel that most...

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Financial Advisor Becomes Robo-Advisor

ROBO advisory, the new way to go!

NOVEMBER 2014 • JEFF SCHLEGEL Tom White used to be a human financial advisor. Now he runs a fully automated virtual advisor called...…

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Segmint, others building off 'very hot' finance tech market

Interesting to see how traction will go in Europe seen several of the Payment insight lead start-ups, so far more promise than impact

Segmint Inc. recently received a $9 million investment to manage increased demand for services. Segmint's data-driven technologies...…

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A phoneful of dollars

Mobile lead disruption of Financial Services

Guards in khaki uniforms wield ancient British rifles as men in crisp white dhotis and women in colourful saris direct the flow of...…

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UK Government issues call to action on bank APIs

The Utilization of banking....the current account data was a core asset the industry had

The UK Government is to launch a 'Call for Evidence' on how APIs could be used in banking to improve transparency and help customers...…

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