Gaze into Fortune's Crystal Ball and see what we predict will be the biggest trends for 2019. Key ones that came out of the readers survey are:
- RECESSION: Term Sheet readers predict an economic downturn in 2019.
- CRYPTO: Readers are betting on the growth of blockchain technology.
- M&A: Readers predict some major acquisitions in the coming year.
- IPOS: Readers expect 2019 to be a strong year for tech IPOs.
- STARTUPS: Readers predict more money to chase even fewer deals in 2019.
- GLOBAL: Readers predict it’ll be a challenging year for global markets.
Below are your predictions: RECESSION: Term Sheet readers predict an economic downturn in 2019. “Huge stock market crash, particularly in the U.S. and U.K., will lead to falling house prices and a long recession.” — Gareth Stephens