nice article especially the part looked through the lens of the value chain, the disrupting power of Blockchain is all the more tangible:
Over the last few years and months, this technological piece of art has been gaining traction among developers, journalists and citizens. And quite naturally, the blockchain hype has also knocked on the doors of AXA: our corporate venture capital fund AXA Strategic Ventures invested in Blockstream, our trend sensing outposts AXA Labs reported a lot of activity in the field and I led an internal effort by the AXA Foresight squad to raise awareness on the technology and its potential. What do insurers basically do for their consumers? They collect money from policyholders, manage it and run a process of claims to re-allocate the pooled money to the relevant policyholders. Now Blockchain allows to program trust in a distributed way, which threatens the central role of insurers in the current insurance process.