As TechCrunch points out Instead of playing catch up with good old brick-and-mortar banks, Number26 (German banking start-up) is partnering with Barzahlen to turn retail shops into branches
Chances are you don’t like your current bank. German startup Number26 has been working hard for the past couple of years to bring a new banking experience to Europe. And now it has, using a novel approach to bank branches. Instead of playing catch up with good old brick-and-mortar banks, it is partnering with Barzahlen to turn retail shops into branches. Starting today, you can go to 3,000 grocery stores, drugstores and other retail chains in Germany to withdraw and deposit cash. Withdrawing cash isn’t really important as you could already use any MasterCard ATM to get cash from your Number26 account. But depositing cash is a new feature for the company.