The 400 Bn opportunity Schwaps is targeting and how they approach ROBO...big question is whether they can still successfully do 6 years after others
Calling Schwab Intelligent Portfolios a $400-billion opportunity, Walt Bettinger boasts of his own four-minute sign-up Brooke’s Note: Schwab’s robo-effort remains a subject of some fascination for us. See: Can Schwab, six years late to the robo party, 'freeze the market’, catch up and blow doors?. The San Francisco company has started an RIA that charges no fees but tells the SEC tha it does and jumps into such an underserved niche that it won’t compete materially, so it’s said, with either the RIAs who use Schwab as a custodian or the other RIAs Schwab owns. That is a venture with moxie, especially considering that it will need to take on some great Silicon Valley [geographically or spiritually] efforts that have head starts, momentum and who charge fees.