Great to see how the crypto use cases are developing, and focusing on real problems with ±9% cost of sending money in a digital world, this is a real problem....however, it requires the receivers to get digital as we'll....the amount of africans that are using bitcoin is still small, but using block chain for transmitting money would be a massive shift!
Earlier today, Coinapult took to the Bitcoin subreddit to unveil their new, global Bitcoin service that functions on plain ol’ SMS technology. This means that users around the world that do not have smart phones or data plans will be able to use Coinapult SMS. Bitcoin technology is extraordinarily unique because it can maintain its security even while being used over SMS, Bluetooth, NFC, or even Ham radio. and Coinbase have both had send-Bitcoin-by-SMS functionality for years now; however, their service requires users to sign up an account to receive the sent money. Coinapult explained the difference: