Would nicely strengthen core-tier one ratios of the banks.e.g. would add ± 1 bn to Barclays capital!
40 minutes ago | 458 views | 0Visa Inc says that it may have to find $10 billion to fund the acquisition of Visa Europe should European banks exercise their option to sell the business to its US counterpart. The $10 billion price tag has been floated by Visa Inc in an SEC filing, with the company saying that it would need to access third-party financing to meet its obligations under the 285-notice period specified under the contracts. While they share the same brand, Visa Europe and Visa Inc are separate entities, with the US business listed on the new York Stock Exchange. Visa Inc. has a call option to buy shares in the bank-owned European organisation, while Visa Europe's members have a put option to sell them to Visa Inc.