Always surprised by the Digital Officer debates....would rathe reargue for a digital minded CEO and a Chief Old world reporting to him...than the other way arround
In an increasingly digital world, where everything from marketing to R&D and customer service is becoming digital, the Chief Digital Officer (CDO) is more important than ever in helping drive company growth and a better connection with customers. Recently Gartner released its top 10 strategic technology trends for 2015 citing the impact of the digital business shift as a driving force behind these trends. With that, the number of CDO jobs has doubled since 2013 and continues to grow. The rise of the CDO comes at a time of much industry debate regarding the divide between business and IT. Amid the disconnect between CMOs and CIOs, the CDO finally promises some relief and reconciliation: CDOs understand the digital opportunities – as well as the threats of cutting corners in the interest of time-to-market...