The end of static will delegation work....if consumers use wallets, apple pays, etc. to pay...which than underlying use a credit or debit card underlying it...static wallets with dynamic cards....or double passwords required for 1 transaction....
MasterCard says a forthcoming wholesale upgrade of the 3DSecure protocol for authenticating online transactions will pave the way for the introduction of more secure biometric and token-based prompts and the ultimate eradication of static passwords. MasterCard has been working with Visa on the new authentication standard, '3DS 2.0', which will utilise richer cardholder data and result in far fewer password interruptions at the point of sale. In the event that an authentication challenge is needed, cardholders will be able to identify themselves with the likes of one-time passwords, or fingerprint biometrics, rather than committing static passwords to memory. Under the plans, Visa will maintain sole ownership of the 3DS 1.0 protocol (including all intellectual property and management of the current 3DS 1.0 specifications), but does not not plan to invest further in the standard.